No one can say it better than a former foster child.

28 Nov

This really encouraged me today when I was feeling overwhelmed with dealing with some issues as a foster parent. I know God has called me to do this so I will keep on loving the children who need to be shown the love of Jesus.

The Middle Mom Blog

I came across a powerful blog written by a former foster child. This young woman blew Jeff and I away with her potent and powerful picture of the reality of life within and without the system. Honestly our hearts broke for her and for the thousands and thousands of other kids that we as a society have failed miserably. Although all the information on the blog is anonymous, I found myself longing to help her.

If you are a foster parent (or even if you’re not!) the following excerpt from LT’s blog will be invaluable to you. It’s lengthy but extremely important. Here is what she had to say about what makes a good foster parent:

1. Caring and Interest
Show interest in the child. Ask what is going on in their world. Ask what they feel. They may not answer, but show that you are interested. Showing interest shows…

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