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Book Review: Faith Leaps

12 Mar


     I “met” Alyssa online a couple of years ago and have followed her ever since for a few reasons. One is because her website has a lot of purple (which I read in the book is her favorite color! Woo-Hoo!) but mostly because everything she does is what I want to do…I want to be Alyssa when I grow up!  HA HA.  No seriously, she truly inspires me to go for what God has called me to do and especially so in this book.

     She takes you step by step on how to take something you are passionate about and use it to make a profit.  As I read it, it was like she was telling me “Christie, you know all of this…now do it!”  I have been too scared to step out and go for what God has called me to do.  Yes, I have made baby steps but have jumped back into the boat numerous times because I was unsure…I didn’t trust my ability and I definitely didn’t want to get wet!  Well, I am not going to allow my lack of certainty keep me from doing what I know I am supposed to be doing.




     God’s timing is always perfect and I truly believe that He allowed me to review this book so He could show me what I can do. These dreams He has placed in my heart have been dormant for too long and it is high time to get them out and get going. One chapter in particular, I will be using to make a checklist (yes, I do love my checklists) of ideas to help me get to where I am supposed to be.

     The book officially launches TODAY and in celebration, Alyssa is hosting a launch party on Facebook and a fantastic special PLUS bonuses on her website if you order TODAY!

     If you are serious about taking a Faith Leap and doing something that God has called you to do, then I advise you to read this book.


Book Review: Hope Springs

28 Dec

I received a copy of Hope Springs by Kim Cash Tate to review in June and I don’t know why but I didn’t get a chance to read it until this week.  I have to tell you, the timing was perfect not only because the story starts off on December 23rd, the same day I started reading it, but also because some of the issues the characters dealt with are things I have been personally struggling with lately.   God knew that it wouldn’t have affected me this way in June so He allowed it to be put aside until it was time.

The story illustrates the beauty of how God works in the lives of His people.  It is set in a small town that has two main places of worship, a church for the black families, and one for the white families. They are friends but don’t ever “join together” except for funerals until one of the ladies starts a Bible study at a local diner and women from both churches start attending.  They call their group “Soul Sisters”, which I loved because that is the name God gave me for our Women’s Sunday School class for the exact same reason that the author gave for the reason the group chose the name, because we are all sisters in Christ and are connected by our souls.

There are so many characters and relationships that it often get confusing as to who goes with who and where they fit in but thankfully, the author included a family tree at the front so I could flip to it and check.  In the end, this is a very important key to the story line so don’t neglect using it.

I love to read Christian fiction but in my opinion, many are overly sappy and often leave me feeling like I want to gag on the super sweetness and “perfect lives” of the characters but not this one. It was REAL. It would be a good book for a group of women to read and discuss together. I will definitely be recommending it to my friends.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through theBookSneeze®.combook review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

This post contains affiliate links.

Mirror Broken Mirror

19 Sep

Broken Mirror

And just like that, the mirror slid from the top of my makeup case and crashed onto the tile floor.  Shattered, Broken, Shiny pieces…Some so tiny, others large chunks.

I cleaned up the mess and went on about my day but God kept whispering to take a look at that broken mirror.

Ok, God, I see a bunch of broken pieces of a mirror.  What does it mean?

He reminded me that I had said these things in the past:

“I can’t be a women’s ministry leader. I am over weight and don’t have that perfect look that all of those ladies do.  They won’t listen to me.”

I don’t know what my husband can possibly see in me.  I am sure he is really not in love with me but just sticks around because he has to.”

I have a pretty face but that is about it.”

He wanted me to see something that I didn’t see.  He showed me to stop looking at what I SEE when I look at my reflection but look at what HE can do through me.

We are all broken by things that happen to us. Our past hurts can leave tiny little scratches on our heart or can remove great big chunks of it.   The comments people make about us do affect us. Sticks and stones may break our bones but those ugly words leave deep scars that take a long time to heal. Some, we may never forget. I still remember the name of one of my meanest tormentors in school and although I have forgiven him in my heart, I often wonder if he even cares about the hurt he caused me.

Yes, I still struggle with my image but I am not going to allow the lies of Satan to convince me that I am unworthy to serve my King with all of my heart…and excess weight.  I know that through Him, I can do ALL things,including get the weight off.  Not so I can “look good” but so I can bring honor to Him by being obedient.   Just like Mirror, Mirror, the song by Barlow Girl says, I don’t allow the mirror to define me and I pray that you don’t either.

Help me decide

18 Sep

I need your help!!  I have to choose a picture to send in with my bio for the statewide women’s ministry page and I can’t decide between these two…

Please leave a comment with which one you think I should use.  I will tally the votes and send in the “winner” by Thursday so don’t wait too long!!


Choice #1


Choice #2

Just Another Statistic

5 Jul


This morning I was thinking about all of the statistics we hear and about how I don’t want to be just another statistic.

You know the ones:

  • 50% of marriages end in divorce
  • 43% of people who marry young divorce within 15 years
  • 66% of married people whose parents are divorced end up divorced also
Then I realized that no matter what, I am going to be a statistic.  Think about it.  If 50% of marriages end in divorce then 50% DON’T!  Statistic.  
Yes, I married young (19), but we made it past that 15 year mark…another statistic!
So what, MY parents got a divorce…that doesn’t mean that I will! Apparently 34% make it…
So, I will be another statistic BUT I am working on being part of the other statistics.  What statistics are YOU striving to be a part of??

Book Review: Stained Glass Hearts by Patsy Clairmont

22 Apr

 Patsy Clairmont shares her broken pieces of life with the readers and uses them to show that Christ can take all of those shattered dreams and make a beautiful work of art, like stained glass.

At the end of each chapter, she has an “Art Gallery” where she points the reader to visual, musical, and scriptural art that ties in with the topic of the chapter.

I personally had a hard time following along sometimes because she jumped around quite a bit but when I started reading it and imagining she was sitting with me talking to me one on one, I “got it” so I advise you to grab a cup of coffee and read a chapter and then take a break to digest what you read before heading on to the next topic.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.combook review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Even though…

23 Aug

I have felt God’s call on my life for years so I have served in a variety of ways…as a children’s Sunday school teacher, nursery director, choir,  VBS director, etc. In the past few years, I have really felt like I am supposed to step up and really mentor ladies but something, or should I say someone, has kept me from doing what I know I am called to do…yep, Satan.  That old liar, had me convinced that no one would listen to me…He put things in my head like “look at you, you can’t even get your weight off, who wants to hear what YOU have to say” or  “you can’t mentor teen girls…look at the mistakes YOU made as a teenager” and “why would these women want to hear anything you have to say, you haven’t done anything big to prove your worth”.

Well, I keep pushing those thoughts out of my mind because I know they are just lies and that the hurtful words he was spewing was to keep me from doing what God has assigned me to do. I thought about Paul…he didn’t exactly have the past that a great person of ministry would have did he?  I mean seriously…he tortured and killed Christians before he became one!  But in 1 Corinthians 15:9-10 he says that even though he wasn’t even fit to be called an apostle, by the grace of God, he was and by that same grace, he served harder than the others since God gave him the work to do and the ability to do it.

Wow…so EVEN THOUGH Paul (as Saul) persecuted Christians, he ended up reaching many people FOR Christ and being remembered as a great follower and leader.  What does that show me?  That EVEN THOUGH I made mistakes in the past and did some things that I regret, I, by the grace of God, am a new person and can do mighty things for Him and through Him!

I am doing what I feel God has called me to do and each day, he is showing me how what I am doing IS changing lives of women around me.  It touches my heart to see how my obedience to Him is helping women grow closer to God.

What about you?  Has God called you to ministry and you keep thinking that there is no way you can serve him with what you have done in your past? Don’t believe the lies…do what God has called you to do even though


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Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!

Leftover Masterpiece

17 Jun

My Sunday School class is currently going through Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted .  We are on week 2 and this morning as I was reading day 5, I was especially struck by what Mrs. Shirer says about how God can take our leftover messes and make beautiful masterpieces.  She gave the analogy of how she can take leftover food and add to it to remake it into a whole new meal that her family thinks is amazing. It made me think of other things that can be made from things that are left over. Not just thinking about food but about more such as quilts, stained glass windows and beautiful pieces of art work. I have a friend that makes beautiful crosses out of leftover bits and pieces. Alone, this leftover stuff may appear to be junk and some may just toss them into the garbage, but Glory uses the talent God gave her to make these amazing pieces of art. Check them out and see for yourself at

Webster defines “leftover” as something that remains unused or unconsumed. I never really thought about how God can take what we have made a mess of and reshape it into something beautiful.  Sure, I have recited Isaiah 61:3 that tells us that he will make beauty from ashes but I never THOUGHT about how He has taken some of my messiest things, stuff that I am ashamed of, and turned them into amazing masterpieces.  Isn’t God good?!

I did another study of Jonah a couple of years ago and when our leader told me we were going to do the Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted, I will admit, I was not excited.  I thought “What in the world am I going to learn from studying Jonah again?” But being the obedient (HA HA) Sunday school student that I am, I jumped in with both feet and am really gaining SO much from this study!

If you have ever experienced bumps in the road, interruptions in your life, then you should check this out.  Find a group doing the study or do it yourself. I promise you, even after just going through these lessons for the past two weeks, I am looking at things a little different than before and accepting that what I have planned for my life will likely have interruptions…how I handle them is what makes the difference.

I will be a masterpiece that HE designs from my leftovers.


Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!


My One Thousand Gifts List

12 May

Inspired by the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, I decided to make my list of 1000 things that I love…things that make me smile…things that I see as gifts from God. I am starting this list on May 12, 2011 and will add to it as I think of things…I wonder how long it will take to complete it.

1. The time in the morning when I am up before everyone else.
2. The sounds of the outdoors (birds chirping, ducks quacking, chickens clucking, rooster crowing) early in the morning.
3. The deer grazing in the field behind my house.
4. The laughter of children
5. Cats rubbing against your leg to show their love.
6. Husband kissing me every time he leaves the house…every single time!
7. Youngest son always saying he loves me.  Even when I am just walking by.
8. Watching my oldest son work on his projects…art, building, bikes…he is so creative!
9. Seeing the joy my daughter gets when she cooks. It makes me happy to see her happy and doing something she loves.
10. Hummingbirds
11. Shadow puppets on the wall during power outages caused by storms.
12. The smell of line dried clothing
13. My “huggie” pillow
14. The hands that rub my back every night.
15. Puppy breath
16. The way biscuit dough feels in my hand.
17. Butterflies
18. Light dancing on the wall
19. Children dancing and singing
20. Tulips
21. The first sip of coffee
22. Recognizing the sound of my husband approaching because of his jangling keys
23. Three amazing kids who were all born on the 23rd of their birth months.
24. The freshness of morning
25. Ribbons
26. The gurgling sound the washing machine makes as it drains.
27. Ice cream
28. Cotton pillowcases
29. Little children praying
30. My birthday & hubby’s birthday
31. Soft butter
32. The sun rising over the tree line by my house
33. Butterflies
34. Receiving a card in the mail
35. Popping bubbles

Day 4 – A Place to Put Your Feet Up

4 May

This chapter was about making your home a comfortable place for people.  A place that isn’t so “perfect” that people don’t feel welcome.  She says clean is not just about getting rid of clutter but also about making a place where people feel welcomed and loved…isn’t that what I said I wanted in my day 1 post?

I remember when I was a young mom and I didn’t think that I could be a good hostess because my house was too small, too cluttered, my dishes didn’t match…heck, my furniture didn’t even match! Fortunately, I had some great mentor moms who I met through MOPS and through the W.O.W. Bible Study at Crosspointe Baptist Church in Millington. These women taught me that those things didn’t matter.

The Mary challenge for today: Invite a friend over. I didn’t do it today…It is hard this week with my schedule.  I will try for next week. But, you can ask anyone, I love to have people over so this challenge isn’t going to be hard to do.

The Martha challenge was to clean out the microwave and oven.  I did the microwave last week so it was still ok.  The oven just needed to be wiped out.