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Magnificent Monday

8 Oct

We had a magnificent Monday!  The kids got their school work done early and since I love seeing my kids working on their assignments, I often take pics of them while they do.  Today, I snapped a lot of my middle child, who usually avoids my camera or makes goofy faces.

Here he is working on his Geography lesson.  He had to use various resources to fill in a worksheet from The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide from Bright Ideas Press.


We both found it rather interesting that in the 1999 Scholastic Almanac, it showed the US Corporation with the highest revenue was General Motors but looking up the same information online for 2011, GM was not even in the top 10. Things sure have changed in a few short years huh?

And this is him doing his Algebra.  He is doing SO well with the program we are using this year and I am very proud of all he has done so far.

As you can see, we do school all over…at desks, on ottomans, outside, at the kitchen table, in the car…wherever! Learning happens in a variety of places.

We recently read about Leif Erikson  in All American History and one of the suggested resources in Illuminations 4 is the video Vikings: Journey to the New Worlds.  I was disappointed that I couldn’t find it on Netflix BUT was happy to see that Hulu had it so we watched it today. I bet it would have been amazing to view this movie at the IMAX like it was made for but unfortunately, it isn’t one of the film options in my area right now.  Be sure to check out this film if you are studying Leif Erikson. I don’t have a picture of us watching it but I wanted to share the info anyway.

Thanks for reading about our magnificent Monday…hopefully we’ll have a terrific Tuesday tomorrow!

Way To Go Award – Jennifer Livingston

2 Oct

I saw a few posts with this video of  CBS WKBT News Anchor, Jennifer Livingston, responding to email about being fat, so I watched it and then cheered!   It made me think about the posts I made recently about being an example and not looking at our outward appearance.  Yes, we KNOW we are over weight…we don’t have to be told. We understand that we are setting examples and so are the people who say unkind things.

Because of her stand, on the issue of  hiding behind a keyboard to pick on people who are different, I want to give her a WAY TO GO Purple Star!  You go girl!

Want to nominate someone for a purple WTG star?  Use the CONTACT button on my site!

Letting Go

28 Jun

I have been thinking about everything that I do…the “busy-ness” of my life you know?  Well, I have had to start cutting things out and saying NO to certain things because it hit me that if I do things that aren’t going to get me to the place God wants me to be, I am wasting my time and the time of people around me.  Yes, I may enjoy some of the things but if it isn’t part of the training to prepare me for the job that God has for me, then I don’t need to be doing it.

We should be making the most of the time that we are given.  Look at Ephesians 5:16-17 says:  Making the most of your time, because the days are evil.  So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. So, before I take on any new thing, I will pray about it and ask God to show me if it fits into the plan He has for me. Even if it looks like a good opportunity and will bring me financial wealth, if it doesn’t line up with God’s plan for my life, it is going to be NO. I also am looking at the things I am already involved in.  Maybe my “training period” with some of these things is over and it is time to give them up so that I can go to the next level. My plans may not be the ones God has planned so I am going to listen to Him and enjoy letting go of things!

When I finished proof reading what I had written, this song by Francesca Battistelli popped into my head…yep, this is exactly what I have been feeling! I Listen to the song and LET GO too!

We win

9 Jun

This is one of my favorite songs that we sing at church.  Lately I have been playing it over and over and claiming victory in my life. God has great plans for all of us and Satan will try everything possible to keep us from being who God has called us to be.  The video is only of a screenshot but I really want you to listen to the words.  Be blessed in all you do today!

Courageous Movie

20 Apr

As you already know, I went to see Soul Surfer today. Before it started, I saw the preview for Courageous…WOW!  I decided that my family must see it when it comes out.  Here is the preview for you to see.

Don’t Text and Drive

1 Feb

I don’t text and drive because I don’t think anything I have to say or read is as important as life. A few years ago I saw something on TV about the guy in this video who hit a bicyclist because he was texting and I decided that I would never do it. If my text tone goes off while driving, I will wait till I have stopped.
Please watch this 10 minute video and think before you pick up your phone to text next time you are driving.

What This World Needs

26 Jan

NY2LA – Press Play

1 Jan

Happy New Year! I want to share a song that I absolutely LOVE to help motivate you to get moving in 2011.
Some people say Christian music is boring…NOT! This song not only has a great message, it also has an awesome beat…I dare you to NOT dance!
Watch this video and think about how we can all make a difference this year from coast to coast.

What Faith Can Do

13 Dec

A friend of mine gave me a bag that says that and every time I read it, I think, “YES! I KNOW that God will!”

There is a song about what faith can do and from the first time I heard it, I loved it. I will literally play it over and over. I know the song is true…I HAVE seen miracles. I have seen God work in MY life and in the lives of people I know.  I have added the video for you so you can hear it. Listen to this repeatedly. Have FAITH and believe that HE will move a mountain in your life.

How He Loves Us

17 Nov