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Healthier Living

15 Sep

The aroma of “fair foods” at Celebrate Munford today made it very difficult to stick to my healthy eating plan but I did it.  You know what I am talking about…funnel cakes, corn dogs, cotton candy, BBQ. All things delicious but definitely NOT nutritious.
I was there working the Junior Auxiliary booth and encouraging kids to be active. We had hula hoops, jump ropes, and Dance Dance Revolution for the kids to move their bodies and even a few adults got involved. On the way there, I laughed at the fact that we are educating our community on preventing childhood obesity, yet the chapter currently has the most overweight president in it’s history…me! How can I stand there and teach parents about getting their kids to eat right and exercise when I obviously have a weight problem? Let me just tell you how.  Yes, I am overweight. It is no secret, I can’t hide it, but I am far from lazy and I do eat healthier now than I used to. I can tell parents and kids about my lifetime struggle with my weight and encourage them that they need to change their lifestyle while they are young because the longer you wait, the heavier you get, and the harder it is to get it off. I don’t care about the way I look because it isn’t about that.  I am beautiful! If someone doesn’t like me because I am fat, that is their loss. Even considering the amount of extra weight I am carrying, I don’t have any major health issues…yet.   I am trying to change the way I take care of my body so that I don’t develop any of the diseases or problems related to obesity and hope that I can be an example to others.

I recently read a book by Lysa TerKeurst called Made to Crave and I keep going back to it to remind me that I can do this.  Even when the temptation seems SO strong and I feel like I am going to break, I can do this.  If it takes re-reading this book over and over to keep my mind focused, then so be it.

In the past, I have made big goals and then fell short so I am breaking it down into smaller chunks this time to make it more attainable.  I think that if I do this, I won’t feel so discouraged when I have such a large amount to lose so my short term goal is to lose 25 lbs by my birthday, which is November 30th.  I actually started 2 weeks ago and haven’t stepped foot on a scale but I can see a difference in my face and how my clothes and wedding ring fits. I also have friends who are going alongside of me not only to support me but to get support from me.  Some of us are using SparkPeople  to track our food and exercise.  By posting in our Food & Fitness trackers, we can hold each other accountable. You are more than welcome to take a peek at mine.  If you see that I am not doing well in any area, (too many calories eaten & not enough burned for example), send me a note and let me know that I need to get back on track.  You don’t have to send me a note about today’s entry…I already know where I slipped up.

Thanks for helping me be accountable. Join me and let’s all get healthier.

P.S. One thing that kept me from indulging in the fried yumminess at Celebrate was purposefully leaving my money at home 🙂

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