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Book Review: Rosebud Blooming by Nancy Maggio

21 Nov

Rosebud Blooming by Nancy Maggio portrays the trials faced by the author and how she was able to how she was able to pull through with God’s help. She begins each chapter with a poem that introduces the problem that she faced. The stories of these difficult times are not chronological but she ties them together to show how certain choices that she and people in her life made affected the various situations.

We all face difficulties but not all of us experience some of the traumatic things that Nancy tells us about in this detailed book about her life. This book is one you can read in an afternoon so prepare a bubble bath, light some candles, make a cup of tea and relax as you read about a simple lady sharing how God helped her make it through some dark days.  She doesn’t sugar coat it.  She bares it all…literally at one point! No matter what you have been through in your life, Nancy’s poems, stories and analogy of a rosebud opening up to full bloom will encourage you to press on.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.combook review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Paparazzi Accessories

24 Oct


I love to accessorize what I am wearing with some fun pieces of jewelry that matches whatever I happen to have on (no, I don’t ALWAYS wear purple…just most of the time!  LOL) With the economy, I can’t afford to buy items that match everything…until now!

An independent consultant for Paparazzi Accessories sent me a couple of pieces to review and my 16 year old daughter stole them immediately!  I think that is a good sign that this jewelry is “cool” enough for the younger crowd as well as those of us who feel young.   All of their adult pieces are just $5!  Isn’t that awesome?!  You may be thinking that there is no way something so inexpensive can be of decent quality but you are wrong!  I am impressed!  According to the company website, the people at Paparazzi look all over the world over to find the best and newest styles in fashion accessories. To get chosen a product must be trendy, glamorous, and have exceptional quality.  I can testify that the pieces I received met all of these requirements.

You can check out some of the latest items from Paparazzi by liking the Facebook page of the consultant who sent me the samples. She is good about posting pictures of all of the new products and telling her customers about them.


14 Mar

While wandering around at the Southern Women’s Show in Memphis, I came across a vendor selling something that I wish I had thought of years ago…like 16 years ago!  This is PopATot.

As you can see, it has the same concept as those folding camping/sports chairs that you can put in a bag and carry around.  I saw it and wanted one!  Ok, so I didn’t buy it because I don’t have any little ones!  I do think it would be a great baby shower gift and would be PERFECT for daycare providers!  So much easier to store and clean than the bulky walkers and those bouncy play center stand things.

They also have it available in cute designs:

If you are an active family with a wee one, I highly recommend this product!  Go order yours today!