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March Makeover – Menu Planning

1 Mar

We are starting our MARCH MAKEOVER on my Christie Jarvis Connects Facebook page today!! One of the things we will be working on is organizing our lives by using some simple methods of planning.  You save SO much money and time when you actually plan your meals.  Not to mention, it is MUCH healthier!

The first thing I want you to do is print out this blank menu that you can use to plan what you will be preparing for your family’s meals each week.  This is the same format that I use.  My children love having it posted so they know what we will be eating without asking.

You will need to look at your calendar and make note of what activities you have planned for each day while you are working on your menu.  For example, if your child has piano lessons on Tuesdays at 4, it would be a good idea to either put something in the crockpot that day, make it sandwich night, make that “take out Tuesday”, or choose something to fix that is quick and easy.

After you write your menu in, you will then make your grocery list based on the ingredients you need for the menu.  Personally, I use the Cozi app on my phone for my list but you can simply write your list on a piece of paper. 

After you make your list, you will want to check to see if there are any available coupons for what you need. How??  Using a coupon database on one of the MANY websites dedicated to couponing! is the first site I started using a few years ago but there are many others now as well.  I actually have the database link saved in my favorites on my mobile web so that if I see something marked down while I am at the store, I can do a quick search to see if I might have a coupon in my files.   If the database shows there is a coupon for an item you need, go ahead and cut it out so you’ll have it ready to use and mark your grocery list with a code that reminds you that you have a coupon.  Ex: Parmesan Cheese (Kraft Grated $) or even Parmesan Cheese (Kraft Grated 02-12 S)which tells you which week and circular the coupon is in.  Now, keep in mind, this doesn’t mean you have to buy the brand that you have a coupon for.  If you get to the store and another brand is cheaper even after your coupon, by all means, get the least expensive one.  This method is just to help you remember that you have a coupon just in case. 

This may sound like a lot of work and you think you don’t have time to do all of this.  You don’t have to do it JUST like I do!  If you already have a system that works better for you, great! If not, just give this a try and see how it makes your life a little easier.  If possible, keep the same menu for the entire month.  This is what I am doing right now as I am learning a new way of preparing meals for someone in my family who is on a low sodium plan. 

If you already have a menu planning system and would like to share, please do!  I would personally love to see your ideas!




Menu Plan Monday

6 Jun

I apologize that I have not posted my menu in the past couple of weeks…I didn’t make one!  I have to tell you, I did NOT like life without a menu. The kids didn’t care too much for it either because they had no place to go look to see what they would be having for meals.  I promised them that I would have a menu this week and life will be wonderful again 🙂  So, here is what will be served at my house this week.  SOME of these things I will eat with them but some I will have something else. Like on the cinnamon roll day…I love them but my recipe has too many points for me.  If I can find a recipe that is lower in points but still tastes good, I will eat them but until then…nope!  If you have any good recipes to share, please do! I am always looking for some good meal ideas that are healthy and the family will eat.

Have a yummy week!

Day 8

9 May

Day 8 ~ Overcoming the Curse

Yeah, sometimes it seems as though we can’t overcome the curse…but we can! We have to make sure it doesn’t control us.  If our homes and the mess in them become overwhelming and causes us stress, we have to turn it around and take control over the situation.  Yes, we may feel like we are fighting a losing battle sometimes because we don’t see a reward but we have to remember, our reward is NOT here on earth.  We are working toward a much higher level reward than can ever be obtained here.  I remember a few years ago when I was in a women’s Bible study, my leader was talking about finding joy in everything you do…including cleaning the toilets, wiping noses, even scooping the litter box…JOY in that??!!  Well, it does say in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to REJOICE always…ok, well I guess I better!   And what about what it says in Colossians 3:23-24? Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Did you read that??? It said WHATEVER I do…Yep, that includes that nasty job of cleaning out the litter box.  Taking care of my home, my family, my life is something that I DO take joy in.  Yes, there are some days that I don’t feel very joyful but I know that I am doing it for the Lord so I keep on keeping on.

The “Mary” Challenge was to think back to a time when God refined your character through difficult circumstances.  There was a time in my life when I was very bitter and didn’t like certain people.  One morning, I was watching Joyce Meyer and she mentioned a quote about holding grudges being like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die…that really hit home for me.  So, I prayed to forgive those who I was holding grudges against and started to have a more compassionate heart towards them.  It really has made me a much happier person.

The “Martha” challenge was to clean out the kitchen drawers…check!

Next stop, day 9!

Day 7

8 May

Day 7 was about THE CURSE…no, not the womanly curse we deal with monthly, the other one where we clean one room and walk out only to come back and it looks like a tornado has hit.  Why is that?  Well, according to our author, it is because of The Curse.  In the Bible it says that God told Adam that because he didn’t obey, he would have to work to make things happen.  Oh and yes, we do.  I know I do.  I can’t just sit around and little magical creatures clean my house and cook my meals.  I have to do it or it won’t get done.

Sara Mae challenged us to read Romans 8:20

and think about our hope in the Curse. It gives me hope all right!  All of these things I am doing here, even though they make me tired, will soon be gone and I will be in a place where I won’t have to clean anymore and all will be glorious.

The Martha challenge was to clean out and organize my pantry.  I am proud to say that this was already done so I didn’t have to do much.  Which was a good thing since I slept a lot on the 7th since I had been at Relay for Life all night!

Day 2 – Created to Give Life

2 May

As a woman, I am created by God to give life. Not just to grow a baby from an egg in my womb but in other ways.  My words and actions in my home can be life giving…or just the opposite.  I pray that I can be a life giver more and can make my home be more alive than ever!

The cleaning challenge for the day was to clean out the refrigerator and freezer.  The funny thing is, I usually do that on the 30th of each month but didn’t do it last month!  So, I got it all cleaned out and looking pretty.  I love a clean fridge!  Here is a picture:


29 Dec

A few months ago, I read about Cozi on a blog somewhere…I don’t remember where.  The author of the blog had said that it would help me to stay organized.  The family calendar, to-do lists and shopping lists would make life simpler…we shall see. I checked out their site and decided to go ahead and sign up.  They didn’t have an app for the Droid so I just used the mobile site and really didn’t “get it”.  I thought I had everything I needed in my built in calendar that synced with Google so I didn’t see the point.  I wasn’t utilizing the entire thing properly. And now I know how to even sync my Google calendar with Cozi so it’s all good…except, I am no longer even using the Google calendar!

About a month or so ago, they announced that not only did they now have an app for Droid, but they were partnering with The FlyLady so I could get my Zone Cleaning checklists right on my phone! I LOVE the app!  My husband has it on his Droid too and since we use the same Cozi account, he sees MY calendar and knows where I have to be and if we have family plans.  He also can add items to our shopping list as he thinks of things…I told him not to get too crazy on that part though, we are on a budget after all!  For the kids, I have it set up to text them their to-do lists and calendar reminders so they have it with them also.  Yes, this neat little tool has actually helped us to stay organized!!

Right now, they have the apps for iPhone and Droid FREE until Dec 31.  After that, it will be $5.99 to download it so go ahead and get it now and get a great start on organizing your life and your family.

Perfect Potluck

7 Dec

Sometimes when you come across a website, you simply think “Now, why didn’t I think of this?”  This is one of those times! Allow me to introduce you to Perfect Potluck, a brand new website that is a FREE online tool for coordinating your group meals.  Have you ever planned a large gathering and had 6 people bring the same dish or you have plenty of desserts but not even sides? Not anymore!  Simply set up the meal in the create a group meal area of the site and share it with the invited guests. You determine how many of each item is needed and then the guests sign up for them. Simple!

I have used their sister site, Take Them A Meal to organize meals for friends who have had surgery, given birth, had a death in their family, etc.  The ease of setting up a schedule for people to deliver meals was amazing! Now I can plan a perfect potluck by using this site.  With this wonderful tool, I may be having a potluck every week!  I am thinking Bible study group, homeschool moms group, Bunco group, scrapbook club…


Weekly Menu November 15th

13 Nov

I would love for you to post a link to your menu and/or favorite recipes!