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Sid the Science Kid Discovery Day

29 Dec

When I was a home childcare provider, we watched Sid the Science Kid every morning on PBS and the kids loved it! My youngest, who was about 8 when we first started watching it, had me record it just in case he missed something important!  HA HA He loved the way that Sid and his friends came up with good ideas.  I think the show helped to love exploring to learn.

Sid the Science Kid is coming to Memphis in February!  He will be at the Lichterman Nature Center on Saturday, February 25th and it is FREE but tickets ARE required!  Simply go to the event page and sign up for the time that you want to meet him, print your tickets and GO!


I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link.

Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!





Lowe’s Build and Grow June 25th Clinic

18 Jun

Here is what Lowe’s has planned for their Build and Grow Clinic for kids on June 25th. Just in time for the 4th of July! Register your kids on the Build and Grow site.

Waving Flag Craft

Playhouse 51 Presents Patsy Cline Musical

8 Jun

Yesterday morning WREG Live at 9 posted on their Facebook page that they were going to have a singer perform on the show and talk about the upcoming production of a Patsy Cline musical.  I have always been a fan of Patsy Cline so I wanted to see this. I knew I wouldn’t be able to watch the episode live because I had an errand I had to do at that time so I set my DVR to record it.  I just watched it and got SOOOO excited!  I LOVE Patsy Cline and when I saw that it was being performed fairly close to home at Playhouse 51 I immediately went to their website for details. want to go see this!!  My schedule is pretty full for the next few weeks but I think I can do some rearranging so that I can go see this.  Go check your calendar and choose the date you will go see it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link. Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!

Visiting The Dignity Memorial Wall

5 Jun


After church we went to see the traveling Dignity Memorial Wall that I posted about coming to Memphis a couple of weeks ago. Even though is was 100 degrees outside, I really wanted my kids to see it.  They may not look exactly happy in the picture because they were very hot standing on the black walkway in front of a black wall but they really did enjoy it. The volunteers who were there did a great job of making sure people were safe in the heat.  They had shuttle service from the parking area to the space where they wall was.  Our shuttle driver was an elderly gentleman who was very nice and he told me about how he transports cancer patients to their treatments during the week and he also serves as an escort to take WWII vets on trips.  That was so inspirational.  He may never know this but he really blessed me with his servant’s heart.  The spirit of everyone out there was just so sweet.  I don’t know if it was because of the meaning behind why we were there or what but I was just really impressed with how kind and compassionate everyone was to each other even in 100 degree weather.

If you would like to find out if the traveling wall is coming to your area, you can check the schedule here.

I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link. Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!

Memphis To Host Vietnam Memorial Wall

29 May

When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to visit the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, DC. I was born in 1974 so I don’t have any actual memories from the war but I learned about it in school. I think reading about it and hearing stories from those who were there helped me to understand a little about the sacrifices that our military makes but seeing the wall with all of the names of people who died really made it stick. Rubbing my fingers over the names of those people…oh my goodness. It was really emotional.

This week, the traveling Dignity Memorial® Vietnam Wall will be in the Memphis area. Although it is a smaller version of the one in Washington (3/4 of the size),it will still leave an impact on those who go to see it. This free memorial will be open to the public 24 hours a day from June 3-5 at Memphis Funeral Home on Germantown Parkway in Bartlett. My family will visit it so the kids will get an idea of the amount of people who died protecting our country in just ONE war. We tend to forget when we don’t have to face it every day…

To find out when it is coming to your area, visit their website.

Father’s Day Lowes Build And Grow Clinic

28 May

This is the project scheduled for June 11.  Go to the Lowe’s Build and Grow page to register for this free event.

Coon Creek Members’ Day

14 Apr

If you are a member of the Pink Palace, they have a special dig coming up at Coon Creek.  Click on the image for more information on the event and on how to become a member.

Kids Bowl Free

2 Apr

My Family Is Registered For Kids Bowl Free.  Kids Bowl Free allows your children under the age of 15 to bowl 2 Games FREE everyday all summer. Plus, there is a family pass option where parents, grandparents, older children that don’t qualify for the Kids Bowl Free passes and babysitters can join in the fun and get the same great 2 FREE Game offer every day.   We definitely added this option! Visit for all the details.

Please copy and paste my email address,, in the “Referred By” field on the registration page and we’ll both be entered to win some great prizes including Gas Cards, Gift Cards, Weekend Hotel Trips, Restaurant Gift Cards and many more!

As soon as you register you’ll receive an email to confirm your email address. You can then let other families know about Kids Bowl Free too…and have a chance to win these great prizes and enjoy all of the FREE Bowling!


Wienermobile Visit

17 Dec

Today we got to visit the Wienermobile! This was a totally impromptu field trip.  I receive the status updates from The Leader’s Facebook page as text messages so I can keep up with events and breaking news for my area.  Well, this morning they posted that it was here so I told the kids to grab their coats so we can go see the Wienermobile.

We got to the location and the kids jumped out of the van and into the Wienermobile!  One of the drivers told me that there are actually 6 official Wienermobiles on the road right now and the tour the country so people everywhere can see it.  You can keep up with where the Wienermobile is right here at The Hogdogger Blog.

What a fun way to end the week!

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