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Rooting To Learn

6 Sep

As I have mentioned before, my children are using English from the Roots Up to learn the Latin and Greek roots. Volume 1 was part of our Illuminations Year 3 schedule last year  and we will be using Volume 2 this year. Some people have asked me WHY this is important. I have received comments like “Latin is dead”, and questions like “what is the point of them learning Latin or Greek in the real world?” Well, let me just tell you…Knowing what the root words of a word mean, helps you to understand what the word means.  For example, you know what a telescope is right?  Did you know that tele means far away and scope means to look? So,even if you didn’t know what a telescope was, you would know that it is something that helps you to LOOK at something FAR AWAY.  This is just one example…believe me, there are many more!

Well, you all know how I like learning through play so I am always looking for fun ways for my kids to grasp what I am teaching so when my friend was selling her Rummy Roots this summer, I grabbed them! The kids and I had fun playing today.



Last year, I came across Cynce’s Place, which  has some  fabulous FREE printables to use with both volumes. She even has some fun game ideas you can play using the printable flash cards she made.

Here are a few other websites that have games to practice root words.

Making learning fun everyday is what I try to do.  It makes me happy when my kids mention something they remember from months ago because we did something fun to make it stick.


*disclaimer – this post does contain affiliate links.

Discovery Toys Deal

19 May

When I saw this offer from Plum District, I knew I had to pass it on! I have had Discovery Toys products in my home since my 16 year old daughter was a baby! I was even a consultant for years so that I could share them with other parents, make some money and get a discount on the products for my kids.
With this deal, you can spend $20 and get $40 worth of product! So get to shopping! Surely you know someone with a birthday coming up! What about END OF SCHOOL YEAR??  You might need some new educational toys & games around to keep the kids busy this summer.  These toys are NOT just for little kids either. There are some magnificent games for your older kids too that are perfect for your family night.

I have had my eye on Qbits for my son so bought 2 deals & I will my vouchers to get that and Tricky Fingers.  I had Tricky Fingers years ago and we loved it.  I am not sure what happened to it but when I saw that it was available again, I knew that I HAD to have it. It is a perfect travel game for us.

After you buy the Plum District deal, you will receive an email with your voucher number.  You will use it when you place your Discovery Toys order. You WILL have to call 800-341-8697 (TOYS) to place your order so that you can use the voucher number.  (Note: When I called, the representative nicely informed me that Plum District will upload all of the codes to them at the end of the sale so they can’t take orders until tomorrow so I will call back then.) If they allow, please choose Bonnie Nutzell of Tennessee as your consultant.  She was a sponsor for the March Madness giveaway I held on my Facebook page and I want to continue to bless her business.


Little Designers

15 Nov

At my house, one of the things the kids like to do is make pictures from these plastic mosaic tiles. They come up with all kinds of creative designs and I love letting them play with these because as they do, they are developing cognitive and motor skills. Not to mention, the sense of accomplishment they get when they make something that looks really cool!  



Spelling Fun

3 Nov

One of the things that I think is important for my children to learn is how to spell correctly. This is not always easy for some kids so you have to find ways that are fun for them.  My children love to use Spelling City to practice their words and take their tests and take their tests online.

Learn to spell it right at Spelling City!

They also enjoy playing offline games such as Boggle, Scrabble, TurboTwist Word Flip and many others.

What are some of the fun games you play with your children to improve spelling skills?