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Happy Veterans Day

11 Nov

What will you be doing today to remember all of our veterans?  As much as I would love to go to the parade in my area or the program that one of our local schools does every year,with my current transportation situation, I can’t.  But that doesn’t mean that I am not going to take today to honor and appreciate the fact that men and women have served my country to keep us free and protect us.

My children will be using materials that I got from Edhelper and Enchanted Learning instead of our regular curriculum today.  We will also be putting together a care basket for the Memphis VA Hospital which holds a special place in my heart because they have served my daddy for many years and are currently providing inpatient care for another member of my family.

It is hard to think about Veterans Day and not get teary eyed.  If you don’t appreciate all the sacrifices that these men and women have gone through, as well as what their families go through, you need to.