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Giveaway: Jesus Calling

27 Dec

This year, I have been reading the Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence Daily Devotional book and really love the way it’s written. It seemed like some days, the words were JUST FOR ME!  A few months ago, I decided to try the free trial of the app on my Android phone…loved it so I upgraded to the paid version. Now, no matter what, I have my devotion with me wherever I may be.

As I was sipping my coffee and reading today’s devotional, I did like I often do and I shared a copy of part of the reading on my Facebook page.  While I was typing info in, I thought “Hey, you should make this your end of the year giveaway!” So, I am 🙂

The winner will receive their choice of a hard copy of the book OR digital version for their mobile device.

Enter here: a Rafflecopter giveaway


*Disclaimer – This post does contain affiliate links.

Creation Expo Ticket Giveaway

14 Jan

Ultimate Creation Science Expo

Announcing the first ever Ultimate Creation Expo from the same folks who bring us The Ultimate Homeschool Expo, The Ultimate Special Needs Expo and more! You know how great their other expos are so this one is bound to be just as amazing and full of great info as well as TONS of door prizes! During this expo, speakers will be sharing ways to teach your child about the science of creation that are fun so that you and your child will remember them.
There will be live workshops that you can listen to right from your computer but if you can’t be there during that time, it’s ok! As a ticket holder, you have access to ALL of the recorded sessions! This is my FAVORITE way to go! The ticket is only $19.97 and includes so much more…check out what you get with your ticket here: ULTIMATE CREATION EXPO TICKET.

Guess what?  Media Angels has given me TWO tickets to give away to my readers! This drawing ends WEDNESDAY, JAN 18 @ 2pm CST so be sure to enter by then. You will win one ticket to the expo. Here is what you do to enter.  You will get 1 entry for each item completed.

1. Leave a comment here telling me why you want to win.

2. Go LIKE my Facebook Page and write on my wall.

3. Follow me on Twitter and tweet me.

4. Fill out this form: Ultimate Creation Expo Tickets Giveaway

Good luck!  I will announce the winners Wednesday night.


Dollar General Essay Contest

3 Aug

Freebie Friday 7/29

29 Jul

free by sisterlisa, on Pix-O-Sphere

In case you missed some, here are the FREEBIES that posted on my Facebook page today.

Earn LOTS of Freebies just for using Swagbucks to search the web! I have been using it for awhile and use my Swagbucks to get Amazon gift cards which I can use to buy anything on Amazon! LOVE this.

Free Sample of Huggies Snug & Dry Diaper

Free Weight Loss Kit from Atkins (Includes 3 Atkins Bars)

Free can of Pro Plan Cat Food (This will take you to the Pro Plan Facebook page where you will need to “like” their page.)

Free Christmas Crafts Ebook


Sign up to win free books each week at Free Book Friday

Free sample of Kashi Cereal or Granola Bar


Free printable paper toys

Free YoLo Yogurt (Bartlett/Memphis) ~ Thanks Shannon’s Things You May Find Useful

Red Plum Super Savings Man Contest

7 Jun

When I got the email from Red Plum, all I saw was “Know a Super Saver? Nominate” and I thought to myself, “hey, you are a super saver nominate yourself”…and then I opened the email…it said Is Your Man RedPlum’s 2011 Super (Savings) Man? Uh, no, mine is far from it! LOL He still hasn’t grasped the whole coupon and sale price savings but he is glad that I have.
Apparently they are having a contest to find the super saving man. You can get all the details and enter your man on their Facebook page. Good luck!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link. Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!

*One Thousand Gifts Book Giveaway*

4 Jun

Back in April, I posted that I was going to start reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I ordered it and began reading it in May and took numerous notes as I read about the difficulties this author faced throughout her life, while reflecting on my own.  The way Ann writes makes you feel as though you are right there and you can sense every emotion.  There were some pages when I literally had to put the book down so I could wipe my tears while others made me laugh. While she, and I, could easily have given up, we didn’t.  She, writes about it. I was inspired by her.

As I know that many of you are dealing with things from your past, or maybe even your present, that are difficult and you may be struggling to see how this could possibly be a blessing, I want to encourage you to read this book.  It blessed me so much that I want to bless someone else so I am going to give away one copy. To enter, go to my Facebook page. You do get more entries for sharing with your friends and having them enter also so please do so.


I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link. Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.


Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!

Fishing for Missions

22 Apr

Collierville 1st Assembly of God’s mission team is planning a domestic missions trip to Hungry Horse, Montana for Indian Youth Camp and are hosting a Fishing for Missions Tournament on Saturday, May 14th to raise money.

IYC is “a non profit organziation that exists to enrich the lives of young people on the seven Indian Reservations of Montana”. All proceeds from this tournament will go to help fund that trip as well as send many Indian youth to camp and buy Bibles.

Cost: $60
Optional: Big Bass $10
Location: Scruggs Boat Ramp, Iuka, MS

Time: May 14 first light; 3:00 weigh in

Guaranteed Minimum Payout:

$300 to 1st, $150 to 2nd, and $75 to 3rd
Payout increases at the 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 entry.
Blast off will be in order of entry.

You can call or text Michael 901 486 2669 with any questions or post it to their Facebook event page.

Game Time at Bright Ideas Press

21 Jan

Check out this contest on the Bright Ideas Press website.  You have the opportunity to win a copy of Christian Kids Explore Biology.  What are you waiting for?  Get over there and play!

Google Doodle Contest

20 Jan

You all know how much I love Google Doodles right? Well, Google has a contest called Doodle 4 Google where students in K-12 can use their talent to design a logo for the company for everyone to see! The theme for this year is “What I’d like to do someday…”

The winning artist will receive a $15,000 college scholarship and $25,000 technology grant for their school!

I am so excited about this!  My kids all love to draw so I know they will be entering.

2012 Buick Verano Reveal

9 Jan

Tomorrow morning you can see the LIVE reveal of the 2012 Buick Verano right on their Facebook page.  They will be streaming live from the International Auto Show, Detroit (NAIAS) and when you LIKE their page, you will get to see it!!

PLUS…here’s a little secret that they asked me to share!  They will be holding random drawings to give away $2000 for those who are interacting during the Ustream session AND someone is going to win a BRAND NEW BUICK!

SO, be sure to go LIKE their Facebook page and then be there tomorrow (January 10th) at 9:15 ET for your chance to see the reveal, win $2000 and win a Buick!  Good luck!