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Pill Take Back

11 Apr


The 25th Judicial District Drug Task Force, Atoka Police Department, and Tipton County Sheriff’s Office will be TAKING BACK UNWANTED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS on Saturday, April 27th 2013, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m at Atoka City Hall & Tipton County Criminal Justice Complex

Here is the press release from the office of

 District Attorney General D.Michael Dunavant 


Tipton County, Tennessee – On Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the 25th Judicial District Drug Task Force, Atoka Police Department, Tipton County Sheriff’s Office, and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public another opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs.  Bring your medications for disposal to either the Atoka City Hall at 334 Atoka-Munford Road, Atoka, Tennessee, or the Tipton County Criminal Justice Complex at 1801 South College Street, Covington, Tennessee.

Prescription drug abuse in this country is an epidemic.  You could be partly to blame without even knowing it. With pill abuse at record levels, addicts are looking in as many medicine cabinets as possible – maybe even yours.  We can help.  On Saturday, April 27, 2013, DEA and its partners nationwide will operate collection sites in your community where Americans can turn in their unused, unneeded, and expired prescription drug medications – no questions asked.  This is a free, anonymous service that will help keep your home safe and could save lives.  Prescription drugs treat illness and alleviate pain, but they should only be used when prescribed by a doctor.  Unfortunately, these medications often end up in the wrong hands.  More than 70 percent of people who abuse these medications say they get them from family or friends. Many users of street drugs like heroin start with abusing painkillers. Don’t be an unknowing source.  Don’t harm the water supply by flushing your medicine down the toilet. Strengthen your community and make your home safer by participating in this national initiative.  For more information and to find a collection site near you, visit

Local law enforcement agencies like the 25th Judicial District Drug Task Force, the Atoka Police Department, the Tipton County Sheriff’s Office, are proud to participate with the DEA in this important public safety initiative, and will continue to hold prescription drug take-back events every few months.

Catching Up

22 Mar

     Since my hand started feeling better and I have a moment to sit down, I thought it would be a good time to catch up with you all.  Not that it is 100% better, but at least I can use it.  I am still seeking medical help for it.  In fact, yesterday, I had a nerve conduction study and EMG.  The nerve conduction wasn’t too bad but the EMG…well, let’s just say, I didn’t enjoy it at all!

      This is the year of special birthdays for the men in my family. My oldest son turned 16 in January, my youngest turned 13 in February, and this month, my husband will be 40.  Lots of celebrations for these awesome guys!

     Although I no longer have little ones at home, I have been serving on the steering committee for the new Tipton County MOPS chapter. We just started in January and are growing! We’ve had new moms attend each meeting, which is encouraging.  My daughter is helping in the Moppets, the class for the preschoolers, and she loves it.  We will have a booth at the Atoka BBQ Fest on April 6th to pass out info and sell baked goods to help raise funds for our chapter. Please be sure to stop by and say hello!


 My husband and I are taking PATH Classes at Youth Villages to prepare to foster/adopt and that requires a couple of nights a week away from home.  This is hard physically, because we are tired from being on the go all day already, emotionally because of some of the issues we hear about that these children go through, and mentally because of the massive amount of paperwork we have to fill out. The ultimate goal is to help a child and so we know that in the end, it will all be worth it.


 I was blessed to serve on the Memphis Women’s Discipleship Walk last weekend.  Those are always fun!  I always leave the campground tired but in a good way.  To see the changes that take place in all of the women’s lives in those 3 short days is just amazing. If you have never experience this life changing weekend, I highly recommend you do so.  The dates for the next walk will be posted as soon as they are set.


 My term as president of Junior Auxiliary of Tipton County is coming to an end which means I have lots of paperwork and reports to prepare for National Association of Junior Auxiliaries and things to do to get my chapter transitioned and ready for next year.  Emotionally, I am excited for change but will miss being actively involved in this great organization which I have given 6 years of my life to.  The last big event that I get to be a part of as an active member is the JA5K & Kids Fun Run which is going to be on April 6th.   You can register to participate by clicking on the link or on the image below.377709_10152040337927203_823734084_n


 The Tipton County Relay for Life is quickly approaching and that means that the other committee members and I are in hyper-drive to get everything finalized for the big event…PLUS we have added something new this year that we are super excited about.  We are having a Paint The Town Purple Parade in Covington on May 4th!! If you have a group that would like to participate or are interested in sponsoring, please click on the link or image below for information and application.625613_10151579975947704_1610828444_n

 I guess that is all for now… I am sure there is more but I need to get ready for our family night.  Since life has been crazy busy lately and we had nothing on the calendar tonight, we have set this night aside to just be together.  These are the moments I love the best.  Have a great weekend y’all!

Healthier Living

15 Sep

The aroma of “fair foods” at Celebrate Munford today made it very difficult to stick to my healthy eating plan but I did it.  You know what I am talking about…funnel cakes, corn dogs, cotton candy, BBQ. All things delicious but definitely NOT nutritious.
I was there working the Junior Auxiliary booth and encouraging kids to be active. We had hula hoops, jump ropes, and Dance Dance Revolution for the kids to move their bodies and even a few adults got involved. On the way there, I laughed at the fact that we are educating our community on preventing childhood obesity, yet the chapter currently has the most overweight president in it’s history…me! How can I stand there and teach parents about getting their kids to eat right and exercise when I obviously have a weight problem? Let me just tell you how.  Yes, I am overweight. It is no secret, I can’t hide it, but I am far from lazy and I do eat healthier now than I used to. I can tell parents and kids about my lifetime struggle with my weight and encourage them that they need to change their lifestyle while they are young because the longer you wait, the heavier you get, and the harder it is to get it off. I don’t care about the way I look because it isn’t about that.  I am beautiful! If someone doesn’t like me because I am fat, that is their loss. Even considering the amount of extra weight I am carrying, I don’t have any major health issues…yet.   I am trying to change the way I take care of my body so that I don’t develop any of the diseases or problems related to obesity and hope that I can be an example to others.

I recently read a book by Lysa TerKeurst called Made to Crave and I keep going back to it to remind me that I can do this.  Even when the temptation seems SO strong and I feel like I am going to break, I can do this.  If it takes re-reading this book over and over to keep my mind focused, then so be it.

In the past, I have made big goals and then fell short so I am breaking it down into smaller chunks this time to make it more attainable.  I think that if I do this, I won’t feel so discouraged when I have such a large amount to lose so my short term goal is to lose 25 lbs by my birthday, which is November 30th.  I actually started 2 weeks ago and haven’t stepped foot on a scale but I can see a difference in my face and how my clothes and wedding ring fits. I also have friends who are going alongside of me not only to support me but to get support from me.  Some of us are using SparkPeople  to track our food and exercise.  By posting in our Food & Fitness trackers, we can hold each other accountable. You are more than welcome to take a peek at mine.  If you see that I am not doing well in any area, (too many calories eaten & not enough burned for example), send me a note and let me know that I need to get back on track.  You don’t have to send me a note about today’s entry…I already know where I slipped up.

Thanks for helping me be accountable. Join me and let’s all get healthier.

P.S. One thing that kept me from indulging in the fried yumminess at Celebrate was purposefully leaving my money at home 🙂

*Disclaimer – this post contains affiliate links.


LifeBlood Donorfest

31 May

Life Blood’s Donor Fest is a free family event that has tons of activities.  This blood donor celebration will be June 4th at the Agricenter from 8am – 3pm.  More information is on the Donor Fest website.  Hope to see you there!


19 May

I have been involved in some way with Safe Kids Mid South for about 13 years.  I first met the director, Susan Helms, when I set up of a display at a “safe house” in Cordova, TN.  She has kept me on the email list and informs me of events and meetings monthly.  Sometimes I actually get to go! It is great to be a part of an organization that has a goal of keeping kids SAFE!

This month, they are preparing for swimming season and as part of their partnership with the Make a Splash program, will be offering FREE CPR Classes on Saturday, May 21 at 3 different times.  Check their website for location, times and details.

Memphis Family Skate Clinic

10 May

Click on the image above to go to the Facebook event page that gives you all the details about the FREE “Learn to Skate Clinic” that SkateLife Memphis is hosting this weekend to prepare people for the brand new skate park that will be opening in Memphis soon.

Need a board, helmet or pads?  Check out these from Amazon.

~I disclose, this post may contain affiliate links.~


St Jude event

5 May

Movie Night in the Park

15 Apr

Genesis Church is having a FREE family movie night at the Atoka Park off of Meade Lake Rd on Saturday, April 16th at 7:30. Come out and watch Despicable Me and enjoy some popcorn and soft drinks.

Coon Creek Members’ Day

14 Apr

If you are a member of the Pink Palace, they have a special dig coming up at Coon Creek.  Click on the image for more information on the event and on how to become a member.

Rabies Clinic

12 Apr

Important notice to dog and cat owners, all dogs and cats 3 months of age must be vaccinated and registered with Tipton County Animal Control. This is a state law. The vaccination clinics have been set up throughout the county at a reduced price of $15.00 for each dog and cat. After which the rates will return to normal fee. Local Vets of Tipton County will be on site to give the vaccination.

Wednesday April 13, 2011

3:30 Leigh’s Chapel

4:00 Erwin’s Grocery

5:00 Holly Grove Presbyterian

Friday April 15, 2011

4:00 Mt. Carmel

5:30 Clopton Gin

Saturday April 16, 2011

1:00 Atoka City Hall

Wednesday April 20, 2011

12:00 – 12:30 Cobb Parr Park

3:00 Drummonds Fire Department

Thursday April 21, 2011

2:30 Randolph Methodist Church

3:00 Giltedge Community Center

5:00 Bucksnort Grocery

Saturday April 23, 2011

1:30 Brighton Community Center

1:30 Burlison Gin

Friday April 29, 2011

1:15 Gift Gin

2:00 Hwy 59 and 14

Saturday April, 30, 2011

1:00 Munford City Hall

1:30 Fastimes on Hwy 14

You May Contact The Tipton County Animal Shelter for more information (901) 837-5919
Monday – Friday 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.
Saturday 8:00a.m. to 12:00p.m.