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YOU shall teach

6 Aug

This morning during my coffee with the King I read this verse in Deuteronomy (Deut. 6:7) You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. It reminded me that it is MY job to teach my children the Word of God and His laws. It is not the church’s responsibility. Church is a tool I can use to help my kids and myself learn more but it is ultimately up to me. How often have we thought that if we send our kids to church, they will learn what they need, and be fine but if we aren’t living a life for Christ outside of church, what good is it? Lord, help me to teach my children how to walk with you.

VBS Supplies

16 May

I have been involved with VBS for YEARS and served as director for a few so I know how hard it is sometimes to stay within budget yet still have all you need (or want!) for your VBS. Check out these great places to shop for what you need and get some great bargains! Of course, be sure to also check to see what Amazon has for VBS also.

Free Shipping

Shop Early And Save On VBS Kits

* I disclose- This post does contain affiliate links!  When you purchase products using these links, it helps to support this site.  I appreciate it as it does help me to keep it running.  Thank you!

Week in Review

30 Jan

Last Sunday was my middle child’s 14th birthday so I had asked a girl we go to church with to make him a cake to surprise him with before Sunday School.  She came up with this really cool camouflage design. After church we went to eat (he chose Burger King) and then to the movies to see Yogi Bear.  Of course, he wanted to spend his birthday money so we took him to his favorite place, Game Stop.

Monday was the first Monday since before Christmas that we were on our “normal” routine…meaning both preschoolers were coming and we could do what we would normally do.  My kids got their school work done and the little girls learned about Winter.  Andrew read them a book about getting ready for Winter and they made winter collages.

Tuesday was a bit stressful as we waited to see if it was going to snow.  We are really kind of tired of it by now since we have had some every week and when that happens, many things get canceled. My kids did their school work and the little girls learned about winter clothes.  They made cute pictures of paper dolls wearing the proper clothing for winter.

They also drew pictures to send to a little boy named Trey who is awaiting a heart transplant. It did start snowing in the late afternoon but I still made it to Weight Watchers (lost 3.4 lbs!) and then went to Kroger for my regular weekly shopping trip.  Driving home in the snow wasn’t bad.  It was kind of pretty and almost hypnotic.

Wednesday, I didn’t have one of my preschoolers but had the other one and her sister since the schools were closed. I was already a little stressed and aggravated because of the snow and was wondering if my kids were going to get their school work done or fight me to play in the snow…I posted about how that went already.  Like I said though, I was a little bit stressed that morning and I kept having to repeat this verse “Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night“…I was trying!  Well, around 1, I received a special surprise from, who I have been working with to launch their new website which made my day and reminded me that I am making a difference to someone.

Thursday night I went to pick up some stuff for Junior Auxiliary before going to the Kick Off party for the Tipton County Relay for Life.  I am serving on the committee and am really looking forward to the event.  I hope we have a lot of participants this year.

Friday, my goal was to get everything done that I needed to because I was going to go to an overnight scrapbooking retreat that my Creative Memories Consultant, Carla Robertson, was hosting with some other CM reps in the area.  I needed this time away to work on my albums and to be with some friends.  I arrived at the campground around 6:30 and after dinner and putting my stuff where it needed to be, started working.  I stayed up all night long working on that album!  I watched the sun rise on the lake that was right outside the window where I was sitting.  It was a beautiful view! Later on that day (Saturday) I took this picture Around 1:00 Saturday afternoon, I finally felt like I was going to crash and my friends suggested I take a power nap so I did.  I slept for about 30 minutes and then got back to scrapbooking.  We started packing up around 3:30 to head home and I almost fell asleep while I was driving.  When I got home, I asked my hubby if he minded if I went to bed for awhile.  He didn’t care. While I slept for a couple of hours, my dear, sweet hubby and kids prepared dinner. We ate and then he and the kids went to get a movie from Redbox.  I tried to stay up with them to watch it but was not able to…I was asleep by 9:30.

Today in Sunday School, my class worked on their notebooks.  They have gotten very creative in their pages.  They were told to make a page showing what they learned in City Lights last week which was to not be afraid of storms.  Here is what three of them came up with:

The rest of them will finish their pages next week and I can tell you from what I saw, they are going to be amazing too!

Well, now that I have gotten you all caught up with what is happening in my life, I am heading to bed.  Have a great night and an even better week.

Sunday School Scrapbooks

7 Nov

I have recently started doing something a little different in my 6th grade girls  Sunday School class.  We are scrapbooking our lessons!  I don’t know why I never thought of it before because it is something I have done with my own children for years as part of our homeschool not to mention the fact that I LOVE to scrapbook. It took my friend Lisa H.  to recommend it.

So far, the girls have made their title pages and a review page of the lessons we did last month. At the end of the Sunday School year, they will have a nice record of all of the things they have learned in Sunday School and City Lights. They are having a lot of fun using their creativity to make pages that will remind them of important lessons from their 6th grade Sunday School class with Mrs. Christie.

Here are some pictures I took today while the girls were working on their scrapbooks.