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From My Heart

6 Aug


Hello there!

     Yeah, it has been awhile since I have written…I apologize for making you wait so long.  If you really miss me when I take blog breaks, you CAN keep up with me on my Facebook page if you would like!

     Since I titled this “From My Heart”, you are probably wondering if I have something special to say.  The answer is YES! No, really, it is.  I said YES to whatever God asked me to do and WOW…I am amazed at how everything is lining up!

     I felt called into ministry 15 years ago and have dabbled…yes, dabbled, but I let my fear and insecurity keep me from doing what I knew God had called me to do.  I would serve the Lord in my various roles at church, obviously, but that wasn’t all He had called me to do and be. I look back now and see all of that “dabbling” as preparation for bigger things.  NOTHING was a waste!  I am reminded that Luke 16:10 says ” “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” If I had not served faithfully in those roles and learned what I did during those times, I would not be able to do what I am doing now.  At the beginning of 2013, God told me that I would be speaking…I laughed and said “Ok God, you make it happen.” I didn’t advertise or promote myself at all but started getting messages and phone calls from people needing a speaker.  God, in His wonderful ways, has put me in front of groups to talk about foster care training & adoption, homeschooling, women’s issues, etc. numerous times this year. He awoke me the other night with this statement. “It is time to FINISH THAT BOOK.”  Yes, the book that I started writing TWO years ago!  It is definitely time to complete that project. I just keep adding more to it when I meet people and they tell me their story. Hmmm…maybe that is another book idea!  HA HA!

     Anyway, oddly enough, the current book for the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study is What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa Terkeurst.  I have already SAID yes but thought this book would be good to read and study with the group so I signed up and it has already spoken to me and given me more ideas about where God is taking me on my journey. 

      Sunday at church, before I had even started reading the book, I looked at the position of my hands during worship.  I had my palms up like I was waiting for someone to drop something in them. I asked myself why and then said “I want to accept whatever God hands me.”  Imagine my surprise when I watched the video and heard what the theme for this week was…#PalmsUp! Yes, I am keeping my palms up and expecting great things from God!

     To see what other bloggers have to say about this week’s lesson, check out the #YesToGod Blog Hop 1.

     Are you ready to say Yes to God?  We are one chapter 1 so if you want to join us, it isn’t too late to sign up!

     I just want to tell you that I am so thankful for my friends and family members who believe in me and encourage me to do what God has called me to do.  It means SO much!  When I don’t have confidence in myself, YOU are the ones who remind me that through Him ALL things are possible.  It’s not me…it is Him in me.  We will all look back someday and say “remember when???” Wow.  To God be the GLORY!  

     Be blessed my friends.  I am praying for you and hope you are praying for me too. 


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