Archive | August, 2012

A little time away

7 Aug


Last week I was going through my calendar and saw that, like always, I had something scheduled every night…except for once, I had a night that had nothing written. SO, to keep me from putting something there, I wrote “Rest & Rejuvenate”.  I made an appointment for some ME time.  If anyone called and asked me to do something, I could honestly say “I have something scheduled already.”  It wasn’t a lie.  I needed a night that was just for me. Yes, I do have fun nights like homeschool moms’ dinners, BUNCO, ladies’ nights, etc but even then, I have to DO something. I wanted to just relax so I put my phone on airplane mode so I could escape for awhile and I spent the night catching up on my reading, writing, and thinking. It was nice to take the time for me, especially since I got very sick on Sunday and my body is still recovering.

Do yourself a favor and take a little time away. You deserve it!

YOU shall teach

6 Aug

This morning during my coffee with the King I read this verse in Deuteronomy (Deut. 6:7) You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. It reminded me that it is MY job to teach my children the Word of God and His laws. It is not the church’s responsibility. Church is a tool I can use to help my kids and myself learn more but it is ultimately up to me. How often have we thought that if we send our kids to church, they will learn what they need, and be fine but if we aren’t living a life for Christ outside of church, what good is it? Lord, help me to teach my children how to walk with you.