Archive | July, 2012

Just Another Statistic

5 Jul


This morning I was thinking about all of the statistics we hear and about how I don’t want to be just another statistic.

You know the ones:

  • 50% of marriages end in divorce
  • 43% of people who marry young divorce within 15 years
  • 66% of married people whose parents are divorced end up divorced also
Then I realized that no matter what, I am going to be a statistic.  Think about it.  If 50% of marriages end in divorce then 50% DON’T!  Statistic.  
Yes, I married young (19), but we made it past that 15 year mark…another statistic!
So what, MY parents got a divorce…that doesn’t mean that I will! Apparently 34% make it…
So, I will be another statistic BUT I am working on being part of the other statistics.  What statistics are YOU striving to be a part of??