Archive | December, 2011

Pics for Posts

31 Dec

So you want to start a blog for the new year? That’s great! BUT before you get started, you need to know about how to find pics for your posts. Many new bloggers think that they can just snag any image from Google images but you really can’t! Hey, I thought the same thing when I first started so I am not bashing anyone!  We all have to learn somehow right?

Why can’t you?  Anything on the internet is “free” right??  Nope!  What happens is this, the Google bot randomly pulls all images from sites and allows anyone who searches to find it.  Some of these images may be copyrighted so using them without permission is called copyright infringement. What can happen to you if you violate copyright laws?  Well…it can get pretty bad!  First of all, if the owner/creator finds their image on your site, they can kindly ask you to remove it.  Simple enough right?  Well, if you don’t, they can pursue legal action against you which can cost you a lot of money and even send you to prison!  Now, that is not a good way to get your blog popular is it?

So, how can you get good images for your site that will keep you out of a courtroom?  There are many ways!  These are the things I tell my clients for their sites.

First of all, you can take your own pictures.  Most people have a digital camera or can use the camera on their phone… take the pic, edit it, add your blog name and use it!  SIMPLE!!!

Of course, if you have graphic design software on your computer already then you can make your own images.  Don’t have the software?  No big deal!  You can download Inkscape for free to get you started.

Another way is through photo sharing websites. Some of the pics on these sites are free to use as long as you link back or give credit to the source and some may have a small fee. The sites I use most often are Pix-O-Sphere and Photobucket.  A couple of others that I have seen are EveryStockPhoto and Photoree but I have not used any of the images they have…yet 🙂 If you know of other photo sharing sites, please post a comment.  I am always looking for good graphics for my page and for my clients’ pages.

So, now that you know, get out there and make 2012 a great blogging year!

I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link.

Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.
Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!




Kroger Clearance Deals

31 Dec


I went to Kroger last night to get a few boxes of the Kellogg’s cereal in the three day sale and as always, I checked the clearance shelf.  I found these bottles of Old Spice Body Wash for $1.99, quickly did a search using the coupon database that I have bookmarked on my Droid and found that in the 11/27 PG insert there were coupons for $1 off when you buy 2…so I paid $1.49 each 🙂  I just had to share! ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS check the clearance section!

What makes this even better??  Well, today I saw that MyMemphisMommy is holding a contest right now where she wants readers to send in the great deals they find from now till February 1st.  One lucky reader will get a $25 American Express Card AND a 1 hour long shopping trip with Shana!! How cool is that?  So, I am sending her MY find and I encourage you to do the same.  If you don’t mind, when you share with her, be sure to tell her Christie Jarvis sent ya! It won’t give me any extra entries but I just want her to know that I am sending people her way 🙂


I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link.

Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!





31 Dec

In 2002 I read Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley (AKA The Flylady) & it helped changed the way I did things around my home.  I had been to her website before and even got the massive amounts of emails each day that she sent out through yahoo but until I read the book, I didn’t really “get it”.  It sparked something in me and I started really doing what I needed to do to have an organized home.

One of the best tips I got was starting a load of laundry each morning.  It helps keep our laundry from piling up.  I set an alarm to remind me to hang out the clothes or put them in the dryer depending on the weather. This may sound simple and you may think it is silly that I actually had to read this in a book but it is true.  Before I started doing this, I wouldn’t wash clothes until my husband informed me that he had no clean underwear to put on in the morning!  Oops! Now that I start a load every morning, this is no longer a problem and our laundry doesn’t pile up…no more spending an entire day washing clothes.  Hallelujah!  I have much better ways to spend my time ya know 🙂  

So, there you have it…a tip to help you start your new year off on the right foot and with clean socks too!!  You might be interested in checking out more from the Fly Lady.  I use the FlyLady’s Lists on my Cozi app.  Sometimes simple little things make a BIG difference in the cleanliness and happiness in the home.  Happy New Year!


I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link.

Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!




Sid the Science Kid Discovery Day

29 Dec

When I was a home childcare provider, we watched Sid the Science Kid every morning on PBS and the kids loved it! My youngest, who was about 8 when we first started watching it, had me record it just in case he missed something important!  HA HA He loved the way that Sid and his friends came up with good ideas.  I think the show helped to love exploring to learn.

Sid the Science Kid is coming to Memphis in February!  He will be at the Lichterman Nature Center on Saturday, February 25th and it is FREE but tickets ARE required!  Simply go to the event page and sign up for the time that you want to meet him, print your tickets and GO!


I would love for you to share this with your friends but please do so by sharing the link.

Do not copy and paste MY content onto your site without giving me credit with a link. That is considered stealing and is wrong.

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!





Here We Go Again

2 Dec

I made a promise to myself last year on my birthday that I would lose 100 lbs by my next birthday…well, that day was Wednesday and I am sad to say, I failed. I was disappointed in myself because I only lost about 40 lbs but decided that day that it isn’t over. Just because I “failed” doesn’t mean I have to quit!

When I saw that I wasn’t getting as close to my goal as I had planned in June, I decided to give up chocolate until my birthday.  It wasn’t a punishment but a reminder that I CAN give up something in order to reach my goal.   I did it!  On my birthday, I had a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and shaved chocolate topping…it was delicious!  I ate a piece and was happy about it but knew that if I am going to achieve my ultimate goal of having an “average” sized body, I was not going to be able to indulge in something like it very often.

So, on November 30th, I recommitted to my goal of losing 100 pounds in a year.  I know the mistakes I made this past year and I know how to try to avoid them.  I am aware that I may mess up again this year as well but I don’t want to accept that as an excuse.

SO…here we go again.  Are you ready to embark on this adventure with me ONE MORE TIME? Are you willing to hold me accountable?

I failed but am not staying in the pit of disappointment…it is not a happy place.  I am getting back up, clawing my way out and getting started on reaching my goal.  Thank you for loving me no matter what size I am yet encouraging me to have a healthier lifestyle.