Archive | July, 2011

Freebie Friday 7/29

29 Jul

free by sisterlisa, on Pix-O-Sphere

In case you missed some, here are the FREEBIES that posted on my Facebook page today.

Earn LOTS of Freebies just for using Swagbucks to search the web! I have been using it for awhile and use my Swagbucks to get Amazon gift cards which I can use to buy anything on Amazon! LOVE this.

Free Sample of Huggies Snug & Dry Diaper

Free Weight Loss Kit from Atkins (Includes 3 Atkins Bars)

Free can of Pro Plan Cat Food (This will take you to the Pro Plan Facebook page where you will need to “like” their page.)

Free Christmas Crafts Ebook


Sign up to win free books each week at Free Book Friday

Free sample of Kashi Cereal or Granola Bar


Free printable paper toys

Free YoLo Yogurt (Bartlett/Memphis) ~ Thanks Shannon’s Things You May Find Useful

Freedom to Hurt

29 Jul

laptop typing by sisterlisa, on Pix-O-Sphere

For the past few days, I have had something on my mind and I need to just get it out so here I am pouring out my heart about it.

I love social media but I have noticed that lately people post terribly demeaning things about people not realizing that it is hurting them…or maybe they do realize but don’t really care.
What is it about the news sites that attract people that want to gossip, bash and insult each other? I understand that we are all allowed an opinion, but when you start insinuating things about people, especially dead people, without thinking about how it is affecting them or their family members,  you have just gone too far.

Another thing I have gotten very upset about lately is people posting ugly comments or pictures of strangers they see in public.  It is just plain mean! I don’t understand why someone feels the need to insult someone that they don’t even know.  It got me so worked up the other day that I called my husband almost in tears because of something someone posted.

Maybe I have become more compassionate…I don’t know.  I just try to think about how I would feel if someone was posting these things about me or someone I love.  Let’s all try to think before we post…and try to be more Christ like.

Thanks for listening to my heart and please share with your friends.

Freebie Friday 7-15

15 Jul

free by sisterlisa, on Pix-O-Sphere

In case you missed some, here are the FREEBIES that posted on my Facebook page today.

Earn LOTS of Freebies just for using Swagbucks to search the web! I have been using it for awhile and use my Swagbucks to get Amazon gift cards to buy books for our homeschool.

Secret Keeper Girl Book Giveaway

Dinosaur Train Giveaway

Free Burger from Ruby Tuesday

McDonald’s BOGO Frozen Strawberry Lemonade,  Frappe or Real Fruit Smoothie

Free Coupons to print from my website

Free Shout Wipes Sample

Free Nivea Touch of Cashmere Body Wash

Free Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Sample

Register for Free Wonderful Pistachios

Tea Collection Sale on Baby Items

13 Jul

This sale ends TODAY so head on over there and get your deals!

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!

TOS Warehouse Wipeout Sale

13 Jul

Disclaimer: Yes, this post may contain affiliate links. I love connecting you to the great deals and information that I find but I still have to make sure my bills get paid so I sometimes use links that I make a little money off of.  Thanks for supporting me so I can keep connecting you to these great things!

Why Church

10 Jul

cross by lady_jess, on Pix-O-Sphere

When I got home from church this afternoon, I was thinking about how much I love going to church…and I asked myself WHY.  Why do I love going to that building each Sunday morning and every other opportunity I can?  You would think it would be obvious right? Because it is where other believers are so I can fellowship with them…yeah, I know that is ONE of the reasons I go but I seriously realized this afternoon that I love going because I get to serve…I get to listen to people who are struggling with issues and they need someone to pray for them.  It is an honor to me when someone asks ME to pray for them.  They trust me enough with their secrets, their hurts,  their sins. I want to serve God in ALL I do. I am a friend to people who many “Christians” wouldn’t be…It isn’t my job to judge people, just love them like Jesus would.   Is their sin any greater than mine? Absolutely not.
You may be thinking that I have gotten off subject here because I was talking about why I like going to church…stick with me here for a moment. There are hurting people in your church that need YOU to show them that no matter what, Jesus loves them.  Look for them.  The single mom who needs someone to talk to before she goes crazy with all that she is dealing with.  The elderly man who needs someone to mow his yard. The burly looking man with tattoos all over his body who is crying out for a man to confide in…they are there! Reach out to these people who are right there on the same pew.  Stop treating church as a social club and start serving those who need you.  BE the church!
Yep…that is WHY I love going to church.   I am serving GOD by serving people. At this point in my life, God has me serving people at one church but He can move me at anytime and when that time comes,  I will say yes Lord and go where He leads.  We can’t get “stuck” in the fact that we have “always gone to this church”…obedience means sometimes you have to make changes.  Are you willing?

Answering God’s Call

8 Jul

coffee by sisterlisa, on Pix-O-Sphere

I know that God has called me to do certain things and often times I get started on what He wants me to do and then I start to feel as though I am not the right person for the job…I question my ability.  I wonder WHY He would have me do this particular thing…can’t someone else do it?  Someone more qualified?  I mean really, why would He choose ME to do this?

I have really struggled with this lately.  I KNOW that God has called me but when Satan started pointing out all of my faults, I pulled back a little…well, I am here to tell you that I am NOT going to listen to his lies anymore. Yes, I DO have faults but I know that God can use those to help others.  My brokenness will be used to show someone else that God can make a beautiful masterpiece out of all of the shattered pieces. I am standing strong and pushing through this fight because I know that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Even the plain old things I do during the day (washing dishes, doing math with my children, hanging out laundry, etc) are all part of the plan God has for me.  He is using these ordinary things to teach me how to minister to others. Often during these times of serving my family, God speaks to me and gives me words to say on my blog, Twitter or Facebook page.  I want Him to use me in every way. I am ALL IN when it comes to serving God. Be ready to see great things!