Day 7

8 May

Day 7 was about THE CURSE…no, not the womanly curse we deal with monthly, the other one where we clean one room and walk out only to come back and it looks like a tornado has hit.  Why is that?  Well, according to our author, it is because of The Curse.  In the Bible it says that God told Adam that because he didn’t obey, he would have to work to make things happen.  Oh and yes, we do.  I know I do.  I can’t just sit around and little magical creatures clean my house and cook my meals.  I have to do it or it won’t get done.

Sara Mae challenged us to read Romans 8:20

and think about our hope in the Curse. It gives me hope all right!  All of these things I am doing here, even though they make me tired, will soon be gone and I will be in a place where I won’t have to clean anymore and all will be glorious.

The Martha challenge was to clean out and organize my pantry.  I am proud to say that this was already done so I didn’t have to do much.  Which was a good thing since I slept a lot on the 7th since I had been at Relay for Life all night!

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