Archive | February, 2011

Free Fry Day at Chick-fil-A

24 Feb

Are you a Chick-fil-A waffle fry lover?   Then, you’re REALLY going to love them on Friday, March 4 from 2-4 because you can get some for FREE!!

Click on the picture to go to the Facebook event page that will give you all of the details about how you can get your free fries!


22 Feb

Don’t you hate it when you are chugging along and things are going well then all of a sudden, you come to a roadblock?image

This is the roadblock that I see in the morning when I am doing my walk.  I always walk right up to it and touch it and use it as kind of a marker for my trip.  Anyway, one morning I started thinking about this roadblock and about how it is there to keep us safe.  If it were not there, people would drive right off of the road and into a grassy field.   It made me start thinking about other “roadblocks” that may get placed in our paths…We get a little peeved that we didn’t get something that we wanted right? But what if something we want is “blocked” because God knows that it isn’t really in our best interest and he is just trying to protect us. If you start looking at things from a different perspective, you may see that it is not as bad as you may think.

Build A Racecar At Lowe’s

21 Feb

Take your kids to this free clinic at Lowe’s this Saturday at 10 AM to let them build this race car which includes #48 stickers and a pull back motor! You don’t want to miss this one!! Your kids will love it! You can register online on the Lowe’s website.

Beautiful Sunday

20 Feb

Tulips are my favorite flower, purple is my favorite color and Sunday is one of my most favorite days!  It’s all beautiful!  Have a blessed day everyone!

Free Pancakes

19 Feb

Click on the image to go to the IHOP site to read about National Pancake Day and how to get your FREE stack of pancakes!

Change Ahead

17 Feb

As I sit here this morning sipping on coffee (yes, I am still drinking decaf) and listening to the sounds of traffic flying past on the highway and the chickens clucking outside my window, I am thinking about the changes that I am about to make.  The feelings that go along with these upcoming changes go from excited to overwhelmed to scared…and back again.  I think “Have I taken on too much? Can I really handle this? Surely God doesn’t REALLY want ME to do this!”  Yes, I know…DOUBT.  Why am I doubting myself?  Maybe it’s because I have never done anything like this before…fear of the unknown.  Maybe it’s because even though hundreds of people tell me that they believe in me and know I CAN, there are a few who say I can’t…why do their words stick with me more?  Why do I feel like I need THEIR approval when I have GOD’S!

With that encouragement and the promise from  Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, I am plowing forward and working to make this happen.  I KNOW what God has called me to do…have known it for years but have slowly been working towards making it happen.   Things are moving…GOD is moving and where He leads, I will follow.  I sure hope you all are ready because this is BIG and exciting!  I am honored to have you on this journey…Let’s GO full speed ahead!

Veggie Tales Movie Giveaway

15 Feb

My friend Alyssa at Kingdom First Mom is hosting a giveaway for the latest Veggie Tales movie called Happy Together.  Go check it out and enter! Hurry though because it ends today (2/15) at 9 PM EST.

Airbrush Tan Deal

15 Feb

I have never gone to a tanning bed and I actually don’t mind my paleness but for some people, a nice bronze color is what they desire.  If you are one of those people, check out Today’s Deal! You can get a Mobile Airbrush Tanning Session from Bronzed2Perfection for $20 (normally $40).

Redbox Code for Valentine’s Day

14 Feb

I got a text from Redbox with a code for a free movie and wanted to share it with you all.  Use this code at your local Redbox and get a free movie to watch with the ones you love tonight. I am going to get something that the family will enjoy 🙂


This code is only valid till 11:59 CST tonight.

Menu for week of 2/13/11

13 Feb

I didn’t spend a lot of time working on my menu this week looking for healthy recipes or foods to go along with our learning theme…I am sorry.  I have had a lot on my mind.  See, I am soooo not perfect! LOL  I will try to do better next time. Until then, enjoy this one 🙂