Planned 5K Walks for 2011

10 Jan

Ok, as you know I plan on walking in a 5K every couple of months in 2011 to keep me on track to get my 100 pounds off. Knowing that I will be doing these reminds me to keep losing and walking.  I found this Leslie Sansone 5K Walk DVD that will be great to use on those days that I can’t get out of the house.

I have been making my list of ones that I want to participate in.   I would LOVE to have my local friends join me in these walks.   Check out the list and let me know which ones you are going to be doing with me.

3/26/11  – MitoWhat 5K, Millington, TN

5/6/11- Relay for Life, Covington, TN (Not a 5K but will be walking with a team that has someone on the track the entire time)

9/24/11 – Autism Speaks 5K, Memphis, TN

12/3/11 – St. Jude 5K, Memphis, TN

3 Responses to “Planned 5K Walks for 2011”

  1. Wendy King January 18, 2011 at 2:48 pm #

    I want to try to do the MitoWhat? 5K and Autism Speaks for sure. I’m sure there are some other autism ones I’ll be trying get involved in (I think Autism Solution Center usually does one).

    • Cindy Brandon January 21, 2011 at 7:32 pm #

      I am the event chair for the Autism Speaks 5K in Memphis, my name is Cindy Brandon, we are having a our first planning meeting for the upcoming event. It will be at Panera Bread Laurelwood on Monday, January 24, 2011 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. please spread the word. Look forward to meeting you.
      Cindy Brandon


  1. Countdown…20 days! | ~Christie Jarvis~ - March 6, 2011

    […] you recall, I am participating in various walks this year to keep me on track to reach my weight loss goal of 100 pounds gone by November 30th (my […]

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