Perfect Potluck

7 Dec

Sometimes when you come across a website, you simply think “Now, why didn’t I think of this?”  This is one of those times! Allow me to introduce you to Perfect Potluck, a brand new website that is a FREE online tool for coordinating your group meals.  Have you ever planned a large gathering and had 6 people bring the same dish or you have plenty of desserts but not even sides? Not anymore!  Simply set up the meal in the create a group meal area of the site and share it with the invited guests. You determine how many of each item is needed and then the guests sign up for them. Simple!

I have used their sister site, Take Them A Meal to organize meals for friends who have had surgery, given birth, had a death in their family, etc.  The ease of setting up a schedule for people to deliver meals was amazing! Now I can plan a perfect potluck by using this site.  With this wonderful tool, I may be having a potluck every week!  I am thinking Bible study group, homeschool moms group, Bunco group, scrapbook club…


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