Archive | March, 2009

Grocery Shopping is FUN!

31 Mar

Here are my groceries for this week. The only meat that I had to buy this week was turkey burger patties. Yes, I know that I could have just made my own patties and saved some more money but I didn't want to this week.
I got everything you see here for $67.28. The price before coupons was $108…..I am happy 🙂 My family will be happy as well.

Some people have asked me about my lack of meat purchases. I have a freezer that has a nice supply of deer. Another way that I save $ is that I have chickens that we get eggs from…..well, at least most of the time! It made me sick to have to pay for eggs awhile back when they had a little slow down but they are laying again so we have fresh eggs 🙂
Have a great week everyone! Go save some money!!

My Grandchicks

25 Mar

Last Friday our baby chicks started hatching. We have 5 right now. 3 are black and 2 are yellow. They peep all day! LOL. The kids have named all of them but I can't tell you who is who. Here are some pics of my new grandchicks!



25 Mar

The Grass Stain Guru

21 Mar

I have a new blog friend! Her name is Beth and she is the Grass Stain Guru. Her website is She and I share the belief in the power of play and if you visit her site, you will get lots of great ideas to do with your kiddos. Please go check it out for yourself and then go outside to play with your kids!!!

FREE Thomas Train

20 Mar

WOW! I just heard about this from Freebies 4 Mom! I know that a lot of my friends have Thomas fans in their house so here ya go! Go to Toys R Us tomorrow and get your free train! Get your coupon here:

St. Patrick’s Theme

18 Mar

This week we have been learning about St. Patrick and it has been a lot of fun!

We remembered that he was not born in Ireland but was kidnapped by pirates and taken there from when we studied him in Mystery of History Volume II . This week was a great review from that! I also found many worksheets online.

Here are some of the sites that I used:
Easy Fun School – EXCELLENT unit study for St. Patrick!
St. Patrick’s Day Printables on
KidZone – Math Worksheets

I wish that I was creative enough to think of these things on my own but since I am not, I am very thankful for the websites that give me the ideas of things to do to make learning fun!

Since I do care for 2 year olds also in my home daycare, I wanted to teach them about green this week so we did a LOT of things with that color. I have made a slideshow so you can see some of our activities from this week. Enjoy!

Our Scattergories Arrived

17 Mar

Today during lunch my daughter announced that the Fed Ex truck was here. I hadn't ordered anything and wasn't sure why he would be backed into my driveway. The box said Hasbro….and then I remembered that I had won a game during the Time To Play site warming party on Twitter!! We now have Scattergories and my kids can't wait to play!!

Painting Shamrocks

16 Mar

Today we are beginning our study of St. Patrick. We started off by learning about how he used the shamrock to teach about the Trinity and led a lot of people to Christ. We painted shamrocks and will use them to decorate the playroom this week.

My apologies

16 Mar

I must apologize to my friends and family that have been looking for a new post. I had gotten into the habit of taking pics on my mobile and then uploading them with a post. Well, for some reason, the last 3 posts that I did that way never posted. I thought I was keeping the blog going but apparently not. Something must have been wrong in the system because I sent a test post this morning and it worked just fine. So, I will try to get going again.
Be watching for more from me later today 🙂

Go Tigers Go!

10 Mar

I am going to attempt to post this again. For some reason my mobile posts have not been posting so everything that I have wanted to share with you is lost in neverland.
So….my mom and I went to see the Tigers play Saturday and I LOVED it! I don’t ever want to miss another home game again. It is the whole experience of smelling the popcorn, hearing the crowd, seeing the activity all around….oh wow! I had the best time! My mom’s friend has season tickets and were not able to make it to the game so she gave them to my mom.
This Thursday, the Tigers play in the C-USA tournament…..I wanna go! I am not gonna be able to though because I have a meeting that night. Oh well….they will still play well! Go Tigers Go!!