Archive | February, 2009

Park Day!

27 Feb

My kids wanted to get some of their friends together to play at the park today. We were supposed to go last Friday but I was sick and stayed in bed all day. We thought it would be too wet today because it rained in the middle of the night but the wind helped to dry it up. It was a little chilly but not too bad. I thought this pic of the kids (minus the 2 teenage girls) surrounding Samantha while eating their lunch was too cute. Enjoy!

Time To Play!

26 Feb

You all know about my passion for playtime so when I saw this amazing site, I knew that I had to be a part of it! There is a site warming party happening tomorrow night on Twitter. You can read all about it here:
Join us!

Wow…it’s ONLY Wednesday!

25 Feb

This has been a LONG week and it is only half way over. Oh wow.

Monday was my youngest child’s birthday. He is now 9….just 9 more years and I am done!! Yeah right! LOL Anyway, since he and middle child’s birthdays are only 1 month apart, I usually make their well child check up appointments in February so I can get them both done at once. So bright and early Monday morning, we went to the Dr. They were both healthy and good. Everything was going well.

We left there and went to the bank, grocery store & gas station and then my sister called….she needed me to pick up her 13 year old daughter from school because she wasn’t feeling well. We made a quick visit to Game Stop so birthday boy could spend his money and then headed to the school.

After we dropped my sick niece off at home, we came home and had lunch. I was still feeling blah from the sinus problem/cold that I have been dealing with so decided to take a nap. I slept about an hour and then got up and listened to youngest child (AKA birthday boy) whine about how horrible his life was while his siblings went outside. In walks oldest child announcing that her brother (middle child) had just cut his hand. I turn away from birthday boy to check the damage….WHOA! Call daddy and tell him that we are heading to the ER. The child had sliced his thumb in half! Ok, not really, but it was pretty bad. He ended up getting 13 stitches and 2 of those are actually through the thumb nail. It is pretty gross! I have to say though that the PA @ Baptist Tipton was amazing! Her name is Stephanie Miller and she did a great job with him.

On to Tuesday…..I am still feeling blah and do not really want to do anything but get the kids through school. While the little girls I watch are napping, I tried to rest on the couch. Didn’t really happen. By the time they go home, I just want to hide in my room. While fixing dinner, I actually told my kids that I didn’t want to talk or listen to anyone and to please let me cook in peace….they did! After dinner, I retreated to my room and watched TV.

Today is Wednesday…..I started the day by putting on the armour. I figured if the other 2 days had already been so bad, I better equip myself a little better! I kept a stinking sinus headache ALL day long! No matter what I took, how many times I did the saline wash or what I did, my head hurt! By 5, I knew that I would not be going to church because it was developing into a migraine…..oh boy!
Now I am in bed trying to rest and hoping that tomorrow will be better. Please pray for me!
I know this was long but I hope you enjoyed hearing about my troubled week. Don’t worry though, I am climbing out of that valley and gonna be on top of the mountain before ya know it!! Greater things are yet to come!!
Have a blessed night!

Piggly Wiggly TRIPLE Coupon Friday

25 Feb

This Friday (2/27) Piggly Wiggly is offering TRIPLE COUPONS! The closest PW to me is near my inlaws house….I haven't visited them in awhile so maybe I should take a little trip down there this week :). Go to and see if there is a store near you, check out their ad online and plan your shopping trip! Enjoy saving some $!!

Free pancakes at IHOP

18 Feb
Click on the picture for more information!

Speaking of spelling / Scrabble Contest

17 Feb

While we are still on the topic of spelling, (see last post)I decided that this contest will have a spelling focus!

Amy and I watched Akeelah and the Bee yesterday and we saw how the spelling bee contestants used Scrabble to practice. We have used the game ourselves to work on spelling. Today as I was rearranging things in my office, I came across a box and guess what was inside??

An extra Deluxe Edition Scrabble game! So what better than to give it away in my Playing To Learn Contest!

Here is what you have to do to win:

* Post the link to this contest on your blog and then leave a comment here with your blog link.

I will hold a drawing from all of the entries on Saturday Feb 28th.

Good Luck!!

Spelling City

17 Feb

My friend Tina gave me a link last week for an online spelling review program that she uses for her kids. I registered (It’s FREE!) and started using with my kids…..they LOVE it! I have been entering their spelling words and they get to play games that teach them their words and then test on them! You can even print out a report of their test to add to their school file! If you have children, you need to register and use this free tool!

Spelling tests made easy

My princess and me

14 Feb

Last night our church had the annual Princess Ball for the girls in youth. They dress up and get to be treated like princesses for the evening. The youth leaders talk to them about how they are daughters of the king, therefore, they are princesses and tell them about the responsibilities of being a princess by taking care of themselves and honoring their Father. Each of the girls is prayed over, given a rose and a tiara. It is truly a special night.
This is a picture of my daughter and me when we were leaving to go to the Princess Ball.

Levite Vocal School

13 Feb
Click on the image below to read the outside of the flier.
Click on the image below to read the inside of the flier.

Multiplication Game

11 Feb

Two years ago, my older children played a demo of Timez Attack at a curriculum fair in Memphis and they loved it! I came home and downloaded the FREE version from their website. Yes, I said FREE! The free version teaches the 2’s – 12’s multiplication facts. It really helped my older children and now we are using it for the youngest. I just wanted to share the info with you so that you too can take advantage of this great way to teach multiplication!