Archive | October, 2008

Starting Over

29 Oct

Well….where do I begin?
I am trying to decide if I want to move my blog over to this server and get rid of my personal website completely. This is such a difficult decision because I have poured so much time into my personal site and am trying to determine if I really want to give it up.

I don’t think I do. I actually told William that I wanted him to scrape the website off of my back window and then got upset that he didn’t do it….and then 2 days later told him to just leave it alone. I really want to use my website to help other homeschool moms. So, I am in the process of re-doing my website now and am looking for a new web server since the one I was using has increased their price….again! I am trying to save money during this economic crisis for goodness sake!

So, as soon as it is all revamped and ready for release, I will let ya know…. as far as my blog goes, we will just have to see which one is a better fit for me.